Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Solana Beach California peeps beware: she's in your jurisdiction now... 
Got tips? Send to:  debfrischtimeline@gmail.com

Deborah Frisch has a criminal record for stalking, harassment and other crimes
June 29-July 9, 2018--Released from an inpatient treatment institution after less than a month, Deborah Ellen Frisch resumes her habit of online libel, stalking, threatening and harassing people. (The texts of various particularly vile hate-laced messages July 8-9 is forthcoming from a recipient of the messages.)

June 6, 2018--After nearly 4 months behind bars, Colorado Offender 278185 Deb Frisch pleads guilty to felony charges. She is released to the custody of her parents (Allen Frisch and Carol Susan Frisch of Solana Beach California) pending sentencing October 2, 2018; Frisch is also ordered into inpatient treatment at a California institution. She remains free on $60,000 bond in her parents' custody until sentencing.

January 5, 2018--Deb Frisch is re-re-arrested in Bend, Oregon, after Weld County Colorado issues yet another arrest warrant. Frisch is also charged with Resisting Arrest and Disorderly Conduct.

January 4, 2018--Free on bond pending her extradition to Weld County Colorado to face felony charges, Deb Frisch spews venom at a Bend County Oregon public meeting and impotently threatens a "lawsuit."

December 29, 2017--Convicted felon Deb Frisch is again inexplicably released on bond as her extradition hearings continue.

December 14-15, 2017--Criminal Deborah Frisch is inexplicably realeased on bond Dec. 14 while she futilely fights extradition to face felony charges in Colorado. Freedom doesn't last long for Frisch: she is arrested the following day after Colorado issues a new arrest warrant.

November 16-23, 2017--Deb Frisch flees from felony warrants issued Nov. 16, but is soon arrested Nov. 23 in Bend, Oregon.

November 16, 2017--After failing to appear at a mandatory criminal court hearing, Weld County Colorado hits Colorado Offender 278185 Deb Frisch with several felony warrants.

October 19, 2017--After a binge of stalking, harassing and threatening various Denver legal authorities, Colorado Offender 278185 Deborah Ellen Frisch is hit with an arrest warrant by Denver authorities (Case 17GS013527)

February 16, 2017--After a weeklong binge of stalking, harassing and threatening people, Colorado Offender 278185 Deborah Ellen Frisch is arrested for violating her bail. She is jailed again at the Weld County Jail.

February 9-16, 2017--Released from Weld County Jail after 90 days, criminal stalker Deborah Frisch moves to a cheap inn in Greeley Colorado and promptly resumes her habits of harassing and threatening citizens, law enforcement, and criminal justice officials.

December 5, 2016-February 9, 2017--Frisch is extradited to Weld County Colorado to stand trial on various criminal charges. She is jailed at Weld County Jail over Christmas and New Year's.

November 10-December 5, 2016--Deborah Frisch is arrested in Yreka, California on a drunk and disorderly behavior charge. She is held at Siskiyou County Jail pending extradition to Weld County Colorado for felony charges. Frisch's enabling father Allen D. Frisch is rumored to be trying to engineer criminal stalker Deb Frisch's release from jail.

November 9, 2016--San Diego Sheriff's Department questions parents of fugitive felon Deb Frisch.

November 4, 2016--Weld County Colorado issues an arrest warrant for Deborah Ellen Frisch, for the crimes of Felony Stalking and Threatening.

November 2, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch turns 55 years old, making her eligible for payments from an Oregon PERS account.

October 31, 2016--Deadbeat Deb Frisch whines that her AT&T service has been cut.

October 31, 2016--Deb Frisch tweets from Tusayan Arizona.

October 9-31, 2016--Deborah Frisch, who was fired (in 2006) and jailed (in 2011) for sexual threats against children, continues to false accuses others of sexual impropriety.

October 8-31, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch continues to spew racist and vulgar epithets on her blog, Facebook and Twitter.

October 4-31, 2016--Deb Frisch, who was rejected for tenure by the University of Oregon and dumped by the University of Arizona, continues to vent her jealousy of successful academics by libeling and lashing out at them on her blog, Twitter and Facebook.

October 3-31, 2016--Convicted criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch falsely accuses others of crimes on her blog, Twitter and Facebook.

October 1-31, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch stalks and harasses various Encinitas California government workers.

October 10-28, 2016--Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch continues to stalk, harass, libel and menace Oregon law enforcement and criminal justice officials who secured convictions of Frisch's criminal behavior in 2015.

October 21-28, 2016--Deborah Frisch libels various pizza parlors in Cardiff and Encinitas California.

October 27, 2016--Criminal Deb Frisch commits more acts of extortion, attempting to coerce people by threatening to libel them.

October 27, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch continues to post death threats and murder fantasies about her victims.

October 26, 2016--Deb Frisch crows about soon receiving payments from an Oregon PERS account.

October 26, 2016--Driving a new blue Subaru Impreza AWD, Deb Frisch surfaces in Sedona Arizona.

October 25-27, 2016--Convicted of stalking, harassment and menacing, Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch falsely labels innocent people as "menaces to society"

October 19-22, 2016--Oregon criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch falsely predicts that innocent citizens will soon be arrested.

October 21-27, 2016--After being banned from various groups, Facebook slaps Deb Frisch with a 7-day ban.

October 21-22, 2016--Deborah Frisch stalks and libels a California-based Federal SSI Disability Judge.

October 21, 2016--Deb Frisch vents about a listing on AirBnB.

October 19, 2016--The discussion boards at Eugene NextDoor expel Deborah Frisch from the site, following repeated attempts to stalk, harass, threaten and menace her former Oregon neighbors.

October 19, 2016--Deborah Frisch continues to use Oregon public record requests to stalk, menace, threaten and harass various citizens who held Frisch responsible for her criminal behavior.

October 3-19, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch vents rage after protesters at a Black Lives Matter event defend themselves against Frisch's harassment, menacing and threatening.

October 18, 2016--Deb Frisch again defies a Frederick Colorado law enforcement cease-and-desist order.

October 13-15,2016--Deb Frisch vents rage after various people exercise their right to block Frisch's harassment and threats on Twitter and Facebook. Twitter issues a 12-hour ban on Frisch.

October 13-17, 2016--Deborah Frisch is evicted from her Olivenhain California room. Frisch reacts by libeling, stalking and harassing her former landlord.

October 12-15, 2016--Deb Frisch vents rage over media coverage of a recorded road-rage incident, leading to speculation that Frisch, herself, was the road-rage driver.

October 9, 2016--Deb Frisch stalks various officers of the San Diego Sheriff's department.

October 4, 2016--Deborah Frisch stalks and harasses various Tennessee government officials.

September 23-25, 2016--Deb Frisch stalks and harasses a blogger who blogged about Frisch's criminal behavior in 2006. The victim responds by contacting Frisch's (financially-enabling) family, informing them of the legal consequences of Frisch's continued threats and harassment. Frisch reacts with vulgar email temper-tantrum.

September 23-24, 2016--Deborah Frisch stalks and harasses TheOtherMcCain, who has blogged about Frisch's online criminal behavior. McCain reponds by emailing and blogging about Frisch's latest stalking, threats and harassment.

September 13-25, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch tweets and blogs her mailing-address in Cardiff California, demanding that her victims "send cease and desist letters" there.

September 2016--Deb Frisch's online frenzy of stalking, harassing, menacing and threatening people continues into its second month.

August 24-Sept 18, 2016--Deb Frisch spews vulgarity, libel and racism on the Economic Job Market Rumors (EJMR) discussion board.

August 2016--Deb Frisch commences an online frenzy of stalking, harassing, menacing, libeling and threatening people through BloggerFacebook and Twitter.

July 30, 2016--Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch opens a Twitter account as "Scaramouche2017"

July 25, 2016--Deb Frisch contemplates sending a harassing letter to one of her jailers at the Lane County Jail.

July 19, 2016--Deborah Frisch photostalks security personel at the Hillcrest Radio Shack.

July 17, 2016--Jobless layabout Deborah Frisch, who is supported by government handouts, whines about the quality of a San Diego public webpage.

July 15, 2016--Deb Frisch stalks the Facebook page of the Eugene (Oregon) Police Department.

July 12, 2016--Deb Frisch libels an Oregon District Attorney who assisted in holding Frisch accountable for her criminal stalking, harassment and threatening behavior.

July 10-18, 2016--News surfaces that the Lane County Counsel laughed off one of Deb Frisch's "Tort Claims Notices," budgeting $0 to settle Frisch's frivolous threat of a lawsuitDeb Frisch reacts with: 1) a Facebook posting frenzy2) an impotent attempts to extort money from Lane County and 3) another of her impotent "Tort Claims Notices"

July 9, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch, who has criminal convictions for stalking, harassment, and menacing, calls Facebook a "menace to society."

June 27, 2016--Deborah Frisch, who has been unemployable since losing her job in 2006, criticizes a street sign in her town of Cardiff by the Sea, California as evidence of "incompetence."

June 27, 2016--Deb Frisch continues to libel and stalk members of the Oregon Criminal Justice system who held Frisch responsible for her criminal behavior.

May 12-28, 2016--Deborah Frisch continues to whine that Facebook won't let her IM-harass people who aren't on her friends list.

May 12, 2016--Deb Frisch's ignorance is mocked on the Innocence Project's Facebook Group.

May 12, 2016--Word surfaces that Deb Frisch has returned to drinking and smoking marijuana.

May 5-10, 2016--Deborah Frisch stalks and harasses members of the Facebook Math Group again (see April 27, 2016).

May 1-5, 2016--Deb Frisch is mentioned in a blog post on The Other McCain. Frisch reacts by trying to stalk, harass and threaten the blogger into silence.

April 29, 2016--Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch (now in Encinitas California), who has a criminal record of stalking, falsely accuses others of "stalking"

April 27, 2016--Deborah Frisch harasses members of the Facebook Math Discussion Board with vile and vulgar comments.

April 26, 2016--Deb Frisch reveals she's drinking again.

April 23, 2016--Deborah Ellen Frisch, unemployed and unpublished for 10+ years, posts idiotic criticism of Rabin's Calibration Theorem on her blog.

April 22, 2016--Deborah Frisch takes stalker-photos of a San Diego Sheriff's Department Work Crew; Frisch also  harasses people on Facebook (Grand Canyon Hikers and Backpackers Group).

April 21, 2016--Deb Frisch briefly posts (then takes down) blog-posts stalking, harassing and threatening an innocent person with a frivolous lawsuit. She also links an article on Facebook, in a futile effort to rationalize her vulgar speech-habits.

April 11, 2016--Deb Frisch recommends various brands of marijuana to would-be smokers.

April 8, 2016--Deborah Frisch posts a blog recalling her most recent stint behind bars.

March 29, 2016--Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen FRISCH, having fled Oregon for California, posts a comment on SanDiegoReader.com, demanding a traffic light in Encinitas

March 25, 2016--Deb Frisch posts a pic recalling her most recent criminal trial. (Frisch was found guilty and remained in jail until December 2015.)

March 24, 2016--Still ego-stung over being held responsible for her criminal behavior, Deborah Ellen Frisch posts a pic on Facebook of the Deschutes County, Oregon, District Attorney.

January 31-February 17, 2016--Deborah Frisch repeatedly whines that Facebook won't let her IM (read: HARASS) people who haven't added her as a "friend."

February 12, 2016--Nearing the one-year anniversary of an arrest on numerous criminal charges, Deborah Frisch posts a whining rant on Facebook.

February 9, 2016--Deborah Frisch complains on Facebook of a restaurant which took a photo of her chowing down. She also makes a toothless threat to sue them.

February 4, 2016--Deb Frisch, who was jailed in 2015 for charges including the filing of a false 911-report, makes a "joke" involving a fake 911 call.

February 3, 2016--Deborah Frisch links to an old post of hers on the Society for Judgement and Decision Making discussion board, reminding everyone of how she got booted from that group for her usual vile, harassing online behavior.

January 24-5, 2016--Deborah Frisch behaves like an idiot on the Economic Job Market Rumors (EJMR) Discussion Board [123], culminating in her making a toothless lawsuit threat.

January 15, 2016--A LinkedIn page surfaces, in which Deborah Frisch falsely claims to be  "Psychologist" (Fact: she has never had a clinician's license) involved in "Law Enforcement" (Fact: she has multiple arrests and was jailed for 6 months in 2015).

January 14, 2016--Deborah Frisch posts her newest email address to Facebooktruthisoutthere16@yahoo.com.

January 7, 2016--Jealous of others who have made successful lives, unemployable criminal Deb Frisch libels a successful academic.

Dec. 29, 2015-Jan 3, 2016--Still ego-hurt over being held responsible for her criminal behavior, Deborah Ellen Frisch libels a judge and a district attorney

December 14, 2015--In a brief blog-post, Debbie Frisch tries to blame her 180 days behind bars this year as due to "criticism of law enforcement," rather than her own habitual criminal stalking, harassing and threatening behavior.

December 13, 2015--Left without her parents' free housing in Oregon, Debbie leaves the state.

December 11, 2015--Lane County Jail releases Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch, after nearly 4 months behind bars.

December 9, 2015--Deb Frisch's parents sell the Oregon home she has been squatting in since 2006. Frisch is left without a home in Oregon.

November 23, 2015--Deborah Ellen Frisch's latest stint behind bars reaches 100 days.

November 20, 2015--Deb Frisch's frivolous federal lawsuit, filed on September 21, is dismissed by the court.

September 30, 2015--Deborah Frisch's parents, who own the home Frisch has been squatting in since 2006, put the house up for sale.

September 28, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch is sentenced to three concurrent 4-month jail-sentences. Jailed since her Aug. 15 arrest, Frisch is now serving 5 concurrent jail sentences.

September 21-24, 2015--In a pair of pre-sentencing hearings, Deborah Frisch agrees to a plea-bargain with the Lane County District Attorney. Frisch pleads Guilty/No-Contest to charges of Reckless Endangerment, Telephonic Harassment, and Improper Use of 911.

September 17-21, 2015--Desperate to evade consequences for her criminal behavior, Deb Frisch mails, from her cell in Lane County Jail, a handwritten frivolous complaint to Eugene Federal District Court. (Text of complaint here.)

September 12, 2015--28 days after her latest arrest, Deborah Frisch remains behind bars.

August 31, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch is found guilty of violating her probation; she is sentenced (on paper) to a jail-term through May 2016.

August 21, 2015--Several blogs used by Deb Frisch for stalking/threatening/libel are yanked by Google.

August 15, 2015--Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch is arrested on charges of Menacing and Misusing the 911 system. The arrest is her fourth this year (see also August 6April 2, and February 19)

August 14, 2015--News surfaces that Deborah Ellen Frisch's probation-violation hearing (scheduled for August 17) will include testimony from at least 4 of her stalking/harassment-victims. Evidence also emerges that Frisch's harassment has included extortion and criminal impersonation.

August 12, 2015--Deborah Frisch is forced to leave a downtown food cart, in response to her stalking, harassing and threatening behavior. Frisch is also ejected from a local political rally, as a result of her criminal behavior.
August 11, 2015--Verizon yanks Deborah Frisch's phone and internet service, in response to her refusal to pay the bill. Deb Frisch blogs about urinating in public, near the Eugene Federal Courthouse. Frisch also harasses the General Counsel of a local credit union (perhaps because Miss Frisch's account is overdrawn).

August 9-14, 2015--In the week leading up to her August 17th probation-violation hearing, Deborah Ellen Frisch engages in a stalking and harassment frenzyboth online and in real life

August 6-8, 2015--Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch is arrested for probation-violation. After a brief stay in Lane County Jail, a probation-violation hearing is scheduled for August 17.

August 4, 2015--Deb Frisch purchases several hundred dollars' worth of marijuana.

July 27-August 3, 2015--In response to Deborah Frisch's online harassment, Facebook bans Frisch from posting on the service for 1 week.

July 30, 2015--Enraged that Google hosts blogs monitoring her criminal behavior, Deb Frisch again threatens to sue Google; Frisch also receives another cease-and-desist order for her stalking, harassment and threatening behavior. 
July 3-11, 2015--In an effort to enhance her anemic cash flow, Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch illegally deals in marijuana.
July 10-13, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch sends several impotent lawsuit-threats to various people.
June 30-July 9, 2015-- Deb Frisch completes the first part of her court-mandated psychiatric evaluation at Lane County Behavioral Health; she is given until the end of July to complete the evaluation or face probation-violation charges. On July 9, Frisch skips an appointment to complete the psych evaluation after failing to bribe someone to lie to the psychiatrists on her behalf.
June 19-23, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch (1675174) feverishly flails against the terms of her probation, sending impotent "tort claims notices" to various criminal justice officials and trying to file meaningless "motions" with the Lane County Criminal Court. (The criminal cases against her were decided on March 30 and June 10 by Frisch's guilty/no-contest pleas.) Frisch also stalks, harasses and threatens various Lane County judges and court staff as well as a Eugene Police Department official. Frisch is hit with several "cease-and-desist" orders as a result of her criminal behavior.
June 18, 2015--Deb Frisch files a frivolous motion with the Lane County Courthouse, threatening to violate her probation by dodging a court-ordered psychiatric exam.
June 14-17, 2015--Unable to take responsibility for her criminal behavior, Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch falsely likens herself to "David vs. Goliath," John Nash, and also attempts to blameher criminal behavior on random academics.
June 11-17, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch blogstalks and threatens to sue the judge and prosecutors who made Frisch look like a moron at her June 10 criminal sentencing proceeding.
June 14, 2015--Deborah Frisch, declared a vexatious litigant by the Federal Courts in 2010begs lawyers to take her frivolous case against criminal-justice officials holding Frisch responsible for her criminal behavior. She also threatens to sue various doctors and medical establishments.
June 10-11, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch pleads "no contest" to charges of filing a false report and violation of probation. She's given a 105-day jail-sentence, suspended on condition of her obeying conditions of her probation. Frisch trumpets her legal ignorance by trying to argue with her sentencing judge. The prosecutor later informs email-recipients that, if Frisch continues her stalking, harassment and threatening behavior, the DA will take "appropriate action."
June 5-7, 2015--Deb Frisch, ignoring her own lengthy criminal record, falsely accuses others of crimes.
June 2-4, 2015--Freaking out over the possibility that she might be imprisoned for her criminal behavior, Frisch pitches an online temper tantrumDeborah Ellen Frisch also threatens to disrupt the June 5thhearing (later deferred until June 10th).
June 1, 2015--Deb Frisch continues to try to fire her public defender. She also tries to blame her legal woes on the District Attorney, rather than Frisch's own criminal behavior.
May 30-31, 2015--Deborah Ellen Frisch spends the weekendimpotently accusing various officials of crimes (in a fruitless attempt to distract from her own lengthy criminal record) as well as pretending there is no evidence of her criminal behavior and considering a plea-deal.
May 29, 2015--In a repeat of criminal behavior which cost her a teaching-job in 2006, and got her arrested in 2011, Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch stalks and lobs threats toward family-members of law-enforcement officials.
May 27-29, 2015--Apoplectic at authorities holding her responsible for her criminal behavior, Deb Frisch lobs threats toward various police officers, judges, and other criminal justice officials [12]
May 26-27, 2015--At a court hearing, Deborah Frisch's probation-violation hearing is set back to July 1The following day, Frisch pitches a tantrum over various perceived insults.
May 20-23, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deb Frisch mails a pile of toothless tort claims notices to people involved in holding Frisch responsible for her criminal behavior.
May 19, 2015--Deb Frisch trumpets her legal ignorance by claiming that the charges against her constitute "double jeopardy." 
May 13-18, 2015--On the morning of a hearing regarding a criminal case against her, Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch repeatedly threatens to file a frivolous lawsuit against various people.
May 15, 2015--Upset that the Deschutes District Attorney is holding her responsible for her criminal behavior, Deb Frisch threatens to commit Contempt of Court at her May 18th hearing if the Deschutes DA isn't replaced. 
May 15, 2015--Deborah Frisch falsely alleges forgery by a federal ODAR official (see also: April 30, 2015).
May 13-15, 2015--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch wonders why law enforcement might be keeping an eye on her online activity.
May 14, 2015--Facing a criminal court hearing on May 18th, Oregon criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch tries to stalk/harass a police officer.
May 7, 2015--A preliminary list of evidence against Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch at her imminent probation-violation hearing surfaces.
May 6, 2015--A public defender to Deborah Frisch, in response to Frisch's threat to sue him, resigns.
May 4, 2015--Deborah Frisch: (a) threatens to illegally dodge a court-mandated appearance scheduled for May 11 and (b) posts a murder-fantasy about a clerk at the psych facility charged with Frisch's court-ordered psychiatric evaluation.

May 3, 2015--Repeatedly jailed for her criminal behavior, Oregon Criminal Deb Frisch falsely predicts others will soon be going to jail.
May 2, 2015--News surfaces that the University of Oregon has put a block on Deb Frisch's emails.
May 1-4, 2015--Already facing criminal charges for filing false official reports, Oregon Criminal 1675174 threatens to file more false police reports.
May 1, 2015--Apoplectic that Deschutes Criminal Justice officials are holding her responsible for her criminal actions (in State of Oregon vs. Deborah Ellen Frisch), Frisch threatens to drive to Deschutes to harass/threaten the authorities in person.
April 30, 2015--In a frenzied day of stalking, harassment, and threatening, Deborah Frisch (whose frivolous lawsuit was laughed out of court in 2010sends toothless tort claims notices to: 1) her prison psychiatrist 2) representatives of Occupy Eugene Medical and 3) a church associated with law enforcement officials holding Frisch responsible for her criminal behavior. Frisch also stalks a Federal Administrative/SSI judge and libels/stalks various local law enforcement officials.

April 29, 2015--Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frischappears at a mandatory criminal court hearing, where her public defender files paperwork to withdraw as Frisch's attorney.
April 28, 2015--Summoned to a surprise hearing regarding her criminal cases the next day, Oregon Criminal 1675174 impotentlylashes out at criminal justice officers with libel and toothless tort claims. In response to Deb Frisch's stalking and harassing behavior, a psychiatric facility smacks Frisch with a cease-contact order. (This is the same facility that has been assigned to give Frisch a court-mandated psych-evaluation, in connection with her March 30criminal conviction.)
April 25, 2015--At the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza, Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch stalks police officers who held her accountable for her criminal behavior.
April 24, 2015--Unable to withstand Debbie Frisch's attempts to falsify reality, Frisch's public defender rejects Frisch's lies in an email.
April 23-27, 2015--Failing to learn from her two prison-stints thisyear, Oregon Criminal LCAC1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch returns to her habits of harassment and stalking members of the criminal justice system who are holding Deb Frisch responsible for her criminal behavior. [123]
April 18, 2015--Due to overcrowding, the Lane County Jail releases Deb Frisch; she remains 
free facing a May 11 probation-violation hearing.
April 12, 2015--News surfaces that Deborah Frisch's probation-hearing has been postponed until May 11th. Unable to raise $50,000 bail, Frisch remains at Lane County Jail. 

March 30, 2015--Deb Frisch pleads guilty to filing a false sex assault complaint, receives 2 years probation. Must also receive psych evaluation. Eugene Register-Guard and UOregon Daily Emerald report.

March 16, 2015--In response to Deborah Frisch's stalking and harassing behavior, the Eugene Water and Electric Board smacks Frisch with a cease-contact order, CCing the order to the Eugene Police Department.

February 19-March 30, 2015--Unable to post bail, Deborah Frisch remains in Lane County Jail

February 19, 2015--Oregon Criminal 1675174, Deborah Ellen Frisch,arrested on two counts of stalkingMug shot shows Frisch conspicuously disheveled. Eugene Police Spokeswoman asks "that anyone with information relevant to this case contact 541-682-5111 and reference case  15-02740," according to Eugene Register-Guard.

February 15-17, 2015--Deb Frisch makes several impotent lawsuit-threats on Facebook

February 14, 2015--An audio recording of a threatening phone call by Deborah Frisch surfaces; Frisch reveals she drives home after drinkingat the 16 Tons bar.

February 13, 2015--Deb Frisch whines about being ignored by members of the Free Diane Downs Facebook page.
February 12, 2015--Deborah Frisch receives a cease-and-desist orderfrom a member of the University of Oregon community whom Deb has been harassing.
February 7-10, 2015--Deb Frisch, after being too drunk/incompetent to operate her computer, harasses and stalks a clerk for the KLCC beer festival.
February 4, 2015--Debbie Frisch reveals her attempts to harass a Denver lawyer & judge who held Frisch accountable for her criminal behavior in 2006-2007.
December 10, 2014--Deb Frisch engages in disgusting IM harassment on Facebook.
October 31, 2014--Facebook Group quickly identifies and boots Deb Frisch from their online group.
October 30, 2014--Oregon Criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch criminally impersonates a police officer on the Econ Job Rumors website, repeating behavior which got her arrested and convicted in 2011.
October 28, 2014--Deborah Frisch continues libel/harassment on Economic Job Rumors site.
October 25, 2014--Deb Frisch (posting as "Jim Larson") engages invile harassment on OregonLive website.
October 13-21, 2014--Deb Frisch makes frivolous "sexual harassment" claim against a Eugene Police Officer. Authorities laugh at her idiocy before rejecting the allegations.
October 12, 2014--Debbie Frisch (posting as "Jim Larson") pitchesshitfit on OregonLive website
October 11, 2014--Oregon Criminal 1675174, Deborah Ellen Frisch, looses vile harassment on Facebook.
October 5, 2014--The Economic Job Rumors website foils Deb Frisch's attempts at harassment by programing the system to AutoMock posts originating from her IP address.
October 3, 2014--Eugene Police Officers mock Debbie's history of drunken behavior during an encounter at Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza.
September 22-25, 2014--Deb Frisch posts to Facebook about drinking and driving.

September 21, 2014--News surfaces that Deborah Frisch is harassing and threatening people online and by phone.
September 2, 2014--Deborah Frisch drunkenly threatens violence in a Facebook IM chat.
July 9, 2014--Deb Frisch harasses passers-by at the 2014 Eugene/Springfield Pride festival, before being booted by security guards.

April 14, 2014--Days after the expiration of a judge's order that she remain offline, Deb Frisch reveals she is surfing the internet again.
February 24, 2014--Deborah Frisch harasses and threatens a Eugene City Council Meeting.
February 13, 2014--Deborah E. Frisch whines about so-called "gender bias" at a Eugene Police Commission meeting. 
February 11, 2014--Deb Frisch slanders a Federal judge at a Eugene, OR police Civilian Review Board meeting.
September 12, 2013--Deb Frisch spews nonsense at a joint meeting of the Eugene Police Commission and the Civilian Review board. A Police Commission member "thanks" her for a recent "letter".
May 2, 2013--Deborah Frisch whines at a Eugene Police Commission meeting.
April 11, 2013--Deb Frisch whines about the Eugene Police Department at a Police Commission meeting.
April 8, 2013--Deb Frisch spews nonsense at a Eugene, Oregon Public Safety Committee meeting.
March 7, 2013--Deborah Frisch, a reject for tenure at the University of Oregon, whines about the school at a Police Commission Meeting.
January 10, 2013--Deb Frisch libels the Eugene, OR Public Auditor ata Eugene Police Commission meeting.
November 13, 2012--Convicted violent criminal Deborah Frisch libels judges at a Eugene, OR Civilian Review Board meeting.
November 8, 2012--Convicted criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch complains about the "broken criminal justice system" at a Eugene Police Commission meeting.
November 6, 2012--Debbie Frisch spews bile at a Eugene Police Commission meeting.
September 13, 2012--A Eugene Police Commission member shares that "Deb Frisch apologized for her past behavior." That same day, Debbie Frisch spews bile at a meeting later in the afternoon.
June 13, 2012--A photo of Deb Frisch doing menial gruntwork at the "Occupy Eugene Medical Clinic" surfaces.
June 11, 2012--In a return to the habits which got her three stints in jail, Deborah Ellen Frisch harasses a Eugene City Council meeting, revealing that she does grunt-work at the (so-called) "Occupy Eugene Medical Clinic" on Sundays.
May 16, 2012--Convicted criminal Deb Frisch whines about the Eugene Police Department at a Eugene Police Commission meeting.
April 18, 2012--Deb Frisch trumpets her idiocy at a Eugene Budget Committee meeting, whining about the Lane County District Attorney who prosecuted Frisch's crimes in 2009-2011.
April 12, 2012--Oregon convicted criminal Deborah Frisch harasses a meeting of the Eugene Police Commission (Outreach and Resource Committee). Frisch jabbers about the police department's handling of Occupy Eugene.
March 1, 2012--Deb Frisch spews nonsense at a Eugene Police Commission meeting.
February 14, 2012--Deborah Frisch spews crap at a Eugene Police Commission meeting.
January 9, 2012--Deborah Frisch's phone number (541-686-8227) and address are found listed in the Eugene Oregon white pages
January 6, 2012--News surfaces that Deb Frisch's libelous blogs have, at long last, been yanked by Google.
October 13, 2011--Deb Frisch spews bile at a Eugene Police Commission meeting.
July 12, 2011--Convicted violent stalker Deborah Ellen Frisch is caught making threatening phone calls to the real estate agent overseeing her parents' house's sale. Frisch's probation officer hauls her in for a warning that any repeated harassment on her part will lead to another (see Oct 25, 2010) probation violation.
April 11, 2011--News surfaces that Deb Frisch's parents, who own the home Frisch occupies, are putting the house on sale. Frisch's parents pull the house from the market several months later, after it fails to fetch the demanded $299,000 asking price.

April 7, 2011--As part of a plea deal, Oregon Criminal 1675174 (aka Deborah Ellen Frisch) pleads guilty to charges of physical harassment and criminal impersonation. The sentencing judge allows Frisch to go free with "time served." He re-iterates the terms of Frisch's 3-year probation, through 2014; he warns Frisch that further violations of probation will send her to jail.

March 28, 2011--Deb Frisch atttends a criminal hearing related to her latest criminal charges of harassment and criminal impersonation.

March 14, 2011--Deborah Frisch appears at a hearing on her criminal charges of physical harassment and criminal impersonation. Hours later, Frisch spews venom at a Eugene City Council meeting.

February 3-9, 2011--Oregon criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch (1675174) is arrested on charges of physical harassment and criminal impersonation. Unable to pay the $2500 bail, she is jailed for nearly a week, until her parents posted bail.

February 2, 2011--Deb Frisch makes unhinged public comments at a Lane County Board of Commissioners hearing (video [at 9:55] at this link). Frisch spews ire towards lawyers who have repeatedly made Frisch look like a moron.

January 20, 2011--Seemingly unaware that no one cares about her unhinged opinions, Deb Frisch stalks a Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Committee meeting. The minutes for the meeting don't even bother trying to summarized Frisch's stupidity.

January 13, 2011--
Just 3 weeks after being released from an electronic monitoring bracelet, Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch stalks a Eugene Police Commissioners' meeting, and spews stupidity during Public Comment, describing herself as a "quasi-psychotic activist."

December 23, 2010
--Deborah Frisch is released from an electronic monitoring bracelet. Frisch remains on probation (which includes thela terms of no-internet and no-harassment of victims) through 2014.

November 15-16, 2010--At a hearing where Deb Frisch's numerous harassment-episodes are recounted, a criminal restraining order against her is made permanent. The RO forbids Deb Frisch from further contact (in person or electronically) with Federal Court employees or their families. The very next day, a federal court's order (see Oct 21-23, 2010) takes effect, rescinding Frisch's electronic filing access to the federal court system, and enjoining Frisch from harassing court staff or their families.

November 3, 2010--On account of prison overcrowding, Oregon criminal Deborah Ellen Frisch (1675174) is released on an electronic monitoring program, through 23 December 2010.

October 25, 2010--Deborah Ellen Frisch is found guilty of violating her probation by a Lane County Criminal Court. She is sentenced to 90 days in jail, 5 years probation, and mandatory psychiatric treatment. She is banned from using the internet during her probation.Blogosphere celebrates.

October 21-23, 2010
--An Oregon Federal District Court rescinds Deborah Frisch's electronic filing privileges, and orders her to cease and desist harassing court staff and their relatives. Frisch pitches awailinghowling fit as a result.

October 20-21, 2010--A legal gossip blog, Abovethelaw.com, mocks Deborah Frisch's incompetent legal skills in a much-trafficed blog post. Frisch throws a tantrum, posting death threats toward the blog's webmaster.

October 17, 2010--Deb Frisch futilely tries to intimidate police officersduring a meeting at a public high school. 

October 14-18, 2010
--Repeating the activity which cost her a job in 2006, Deborah Frisch sexually menaces two young girls in Eugene Oregon. Frisch tries to hide from her crime by sending threatening emails to the victims' father under a false name; when Frisch's flimsy subterfuge is blown, she goes on a 72 hour blog/Facebook/email/telephone harassment frenzy.

October 12-14, 2010
--Deborah Frisch goes berserk after learning she will have to settle for a public defender for her Oct 25 probation-violation hearing. Frisch engages in a 3 day frenzy of threatening andharassment on her blog, Facebook, and by phone. Frisch's rage accelerates when one of her victims cleverly turns the tables, and postscontact information for Frisch's parents (who allow Frisch to live rent-free at their home), brother Andrew, and sister Lisa.

October 13, 2010--The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissively brushes aside Deb Frisch's incompetent attempt to appeal thierstaggering defeat in her frivolous lawsuit.

October 5-7, 2010--(a) Enraged that she is being held responsible for her criminal actions, Deb Frisch pitches a racist threatening tantrumon her blog in the days after her arraignment on probation-violation charges (Oct 5). (b) Frisch also hand-delivers one of her impotent tort claims notices to the Fern Ridge School Board.

October 5, 2010--Deborah Frisch is arraigned on charges she violated her probation. A full hearing is set for October 25.Eyewitnesses to the arraignment reveal Frisch's inappropriate behavior in the courthouse.

October 4, 2010--One day before being arraigned on charges that she violated her probation (see Sept 4-6, 2010), Oregon convict #1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch posts various raciststalking, harassing blogs.

October 3, 2010--News surfaces that convicted criminal Deborah Frisch has continued her Facebook harassment campaign by opening a phony account under the name "Morgan Levine." (Facebook yanked Frisch's original account on Sept. 8 2010, due to Frisch's abuse of the site for her stalking, harassing and threatening campaigns.)

September 30, 2010--Deborah Frisch harassingly posts a personal email written by a person refusing Frisch's fraudulent offer to rent out property she doesn't own. News surfaces that Deb Frisch has had her sockpuppet email address (coyotemind@gmail.com) blocked by a Federal Court.

September 28, 2010--Deb Frisch files an incompetently-drafted briefwith the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, spewing nonsense about her Sept 21 2010 arrest.

September 27, 2010--Lane County police visit Deborah Frisch to warn her to cease and desist her recent criminal harassment habits.

September 24, 2010--Oregon Criminal 1675174, aka Deborah Ellen Frisch, posts sexualized stalking blogs about the judge who will oversee her probation-violation hearing.

September 23, 2010--News emerges that police laughed at Deb Frisch's numerous threats during her September 21 arrest. Frisch emails impotent tort claims notices to an arresting officer and two corrections officials.

September 21-22, 2010--Oregon Criminal 1675174 (aka Deborah Ellen Frisch) is arrested and briefly jailed by Springfield County policefor violating her probation during violent outbursts earlier in the month--see Sept 4-6, 2010. Hours after her release, Frisch posts vulgar blogs about the arresting officers and files incompetent legal paperwork in Eugene Federal Court.

September 20, 2010--(a) Deborah Frisch makes a harassing phone call to the Washington County judge weighing a protection order against Frisch's stalking, harassing, and threatening behavior. (b) A Federal Judge blocks Deb Frisch's sockpuppet email address(coyotemind@gmail.com) after weeks of receiving threatening and harassing emails from Frisch; this echoes the court's blocking of Frisch's original email address (dfrisch@pobox.com) for harassing emails (see January 7, 2010).

September 19, 2010--Enraged at the Lane County District Attorney who held Deborah Frisch responsible for her criminal actionsFrisch blogs a threat to libel the DA's sister. (Deb Frisch is on probation until 2012.)

September 18-20, 2010--Deborah Frisch attempts to trespass (and harass students) at an Elmira High School athletic event. Security guards, informed about Frisch's criminal record, ban her from entering the event. Frisch responds by throwing a vulgar fit on her blog, libeling various school official for the next three days.

September 11-12, 2010--Deborah Ellen Frisch is served with a restraining order. Frisch responds with a tantrum, blogging vulgarities about the Washington County police officers investigating Frisch's criminal behavior, as well as racist slurs against the judge who signed the protection order.

September 8-10, 2010--(a) The Lane County police visit Deb Frischand warn her to cease and desist stalking, harassing, and threatening one of her victims. (b) News surfaces that the Washington County police are investigating Deborah Frisch's criminal habits of harassment. Frisch posts a number of vulgar blogs about the investigating officers. (c) Facebook yanks Deb Frisch's account, owing to her repeated abuse of the service to harass, stalk, and threaten her victims.

September 7, 2010--Still enraged over the way that lawyers made her look like a moron during her frivolous lawsuitDeb Frisch sends a vulgar email to one of the defending attorneys. Frisch also libels a would-be victim of her ongoing scam: defrauding unsuspecting victims by renting property Frisch doesn't own.

September 4-6, 2010--Deborah Frisch (aka Oregon Criminal 1675174) twice violates her probation by harassing the victim she assaulted in 2008 and attempting to bully her way into a barroom dance. Frisch

September 2, 2010--Deborah Frisch engages in an all-day harassment frenzy on her blog and Facebook.

September 1, 2010--The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals summarily dismisses Deborah Frisch's attempt to appeal her defeat in her frivolous lawsuit.

August 30-31, 2010--Deb Frisch libels two of her neighbors on her blog

August 30, 2010--Deborah Frisch makes a harassing phone call to an attorney.

August 26, 2010--News surfaces that Washington County, Oregon police are investigating a criminal complaint on Deborah Frisch for stalking, harassment, and threatening.

August 20, 2010--News surfaces that Deborah Frisch has been sent a cease-and-desist letter, warning Deb Frisch she will face criminal charges if she continues her harassment of relatives of a bouncer who heroically prevented Deb Frisch to foul the air at a barroom dance (seeApril 102010).

August 19, 2010--Lane County Sheriff website records their receivinga criminal complaint involving Deb Frisch for harassment. Also, Deb Frisch continues to harass the people she scammed in her fraudulent subletting of property she doesn't own (see August 13, 2010).

August 13, 2010--Scammer Deb Frisch admits that she committed fraud, by subletting a house which she no longer owns. Shortly after the news hits the internet, Eugene Police surf Frisch's website; Deborah Frisch then throws a temper-tantrum, sending a vulgar email to various City of Eugene representatives.

August 11, 2010--
Deborah Ellen Frisch re-posts a photo of a Eugene Police Officer, which Frisch snapped when she was stalking the officer.

August 8, 2010--
Deb Frisch posts more racist comments on Facebook.
August 6, 2010
--Deborah Frisch posts racist comments on Facebook.

August 3, 2010--Faced with the imminent dismissal of her frivolous lawsuit, Deborah Frisch begs the City of Eugene not to seek monetary compensation of the victims in the lawsuit.

August 2, 2010--News surfaces that Deborah Frisch's former harassment website, debfrisch.com, now has a new owner--and has converted the site to the "Deb Frisch Containment Project."

July 30, 2010--Deb Frisch posts a vile comment on Facebook.

July 27, 2010--A Federal Court imposes a "screening order" on paperwork filed in court by Deborah Frisch; the move effectively shuts down Deb Frisch's ability to file further frivolous lawsuits.

July 13, 2010--A Federal Judge Magistrate rules in favor of the City of Eugene's motion to dismiss Deb Frisch's lawsuit.

July 12, 2010--Faced with the imminent dismissal of her lawsuit,Deborah Frisch begs a federal judge to oversee settlement talks of her frivolous lawsuit; the judge declines.

July 1, 2010--Deb Frisch posts racist and vulgar comments on Facebook.

June 16, 2010--Within 24 hours, two federal courts slap down Deborah Frisch's pathetic maneuvers to (a) strike the City of Eugene's motion to dismiss her frivolous lawsuit, and (b) appeal certain orders to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
June 3, 2010--The federal judge magistrate overseeing Deb Frisch's frivolous lawsuit smacks down Frisch's attempt to access emails between court staff detailing and discussing Frisch's criminal harassment of them.

May 28, 2010--
The City of Eugene files a Motion for Summary Judgment to decimate Deborah Frisch's frivolous lawsuit. The filing reveals new details about Deb Frisch's drunken criminal behavior onNov 1-2 2008, which culminated in her conviction for assaulting an acquaintance (March 4, 2009).

May 27-28, 2010--Deborah Frisch files appeals of various District Court orders, pertaining to her frivolous lawsuit, with the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. (Reminder: Deb Frisch has a long history of libeling and harassing the Chief Judge of that appeals court.)

May 22, 2010--
News surfaces that Deborah Frisch was interrogated by the FBI on January 22, 2010; the interrogation concerned an email Frisch sent to federal court staff, threatening the judge overseeing her frivolous lawsuit.

May 19, 2010--
For the fourth time in just over two weeks, Deb Frisch stalks a Eugene Budget Committee meeting. Her comments, whining about her usual nonsense, are perfunctorily ignored.

May 17, 2010--
(1) The Federal judge overseeing Frisch's frivolous lawsuit bans Deb Frisch from entering any Oregon federal courthouse(or contacting court staff). (2) The same federal judge also sanctions Deb Frisch for evading her mandatory deposition on April 15th 2010:Frisch is ordered to pay for the court reporter and is disallowed from using her own statements as evidence in court pleadings(3) Deb Frisch gives a vile and vulgar performance at the Eugene Budget Committee that evening, wailing about how city lawyers are making Frisch look stupid in lawsuit proceedings.

May 14, 2010--
 Deborah Frisch has a vile and vulgar temper-tantrum at the Eugene federal court-house, as documented by a Court Security Officer's report.

May 12, 2010--
Deb Frisch stalks a Eugene Budget Committee meeting, and moans about how Eugene lawyers are making her look like an idiot in her lawsuit.

May 10-11, 2010--
Fed up with Deb Frisch's menacing, threatening and vileness, a Federal Judge for the Eugene District Court announces he is weighing a ban on Deborah Frisch's entering Oregon State federal courthouses. In his announcement, the judge documents Frisch's ceaseless attempts to bully and harass court staff. The following day,Frisch files a weak and dishonest response.

May 7-10, 2010--
In response to a Federal Court ruling which effectively dooms Deborah Frisch's frivolous lawsuit against Eugene,Frisch sends numerous harassing and threatening emails and phone calls to the Eugene Federal Court. (Frisch made nearly a dozen vile phone calls to a court clerk just on the afternoon of May 7.)

May 3, 2010--Deborah Frisch stalks a Eugene Budget Committee meeting, and whines about how Eugene's city lawyers are making her look dumb in her lawsuit proceedings.

May 1, 2010--
Deb Frisch continues her harassment of the Springfield Police Department with frivolous allegations (see April 10-15 andApril 26, 2010). Briefly, Frisch is enraged that the SPD investigated Frisch's online harassment of a Springfield local who prevented Frisch from entering a barroom dance, owing to the terms of Frisch's probation (see March 12, 2009).

April 30, 2010--
Deborah Frisch hurls impotent threats at the lawyer for the City of Eugene, who is moving to hold Frisch accountable for evading a mandatory Federal Court deposition (see April 15 and April 26, 2010).

April 28, 2010--
Enraged at being held legally responsible for her cowardly evasion of a mandatory deposition (see April 15 and April 26, 2010), Deb Frisch harasses three witnesses to Frisch's deposition "no show," including a Eugene police officer. Frisch, unaware thateveryone knows that her "tort claims notices" are toothless, sends these impotent threats to sue to two of the witnesses.

April 26, 2010--
(A) Lawyers for the City of Eugene file a motion for financial sanctions against Deborah Frisch in Federal Court. The sanctions would require Frisch to pay for the mandatory deposition she evaded on April 15, 2010. ($515.00). The court filing also reveals several vulgar emails Frisch sent to lawyers and federal court staff overseeing the case. (B) Deborah Frisch reveals her continued harassment the Springfield Police Department with frivolous complaints (see April 10-15, 2010).

April 25, 2010--
Deborah Frisch Facebook-stalks one of her past victims (for which Frisch was arrested and put on probation for harassing in 2006 [see Sept 27 2006]). Frisch also posts libelous blogs about another victim, who won a civil court judgment against Frisch in 2007 [see May 18 2007]).

April 21, 2010--Deb Frisch posts a blog touting the arrest of a man for possession of child pornography; this reminds readers of how Frisch lost her job in 2006 for her posting of sexual comments about a 2-year-old online (and remains unemployed).

April 15, 2010--Deborah Frisch hides from a mandatory deposition in her frivolous civil lawsuit, thus exposing Frisch to financial sanctions (see April 26, 2010 and May 17, 2010).

April 13-15, 2010--News surfaces that Springfield police recorded a complaint against Deb Frisch for harassment and stalking, in connection with her actions after being denied entry to a dance onApril 10. Frisch blogs about her impotent attempts to harass the Springfield PD.

April 10-13, 2010--
Deborah Frisch, forbidden by the terms of her probation from entering drinking establishments (see March 12, 2009), is denied entry to a Dance Club's "Hot Flash" dance. Frisch responds by hurling threats and vulgarity on her blog and Facebook.

March 24, 2010--
Enraged by how lawyers are making her look stupidand impotentDeborah Frisch sends a vile email to lawyers for the City of Eugene; in it, Frisch threatens to dodge being deposed on April 15th. (Frisch indeed evades the deposition (see April 15, 2010), prompting defense lawyers to move for financial sanctions against Frisch (seeApril 26, 2010).)

March 21-22, 2010--
In a trio of spittle-flecked howling blogs, Deb Frisch reveals that she's sent several vileharassing emails to a Catholic school.

March 21, 2010--Deb Frisch posts spew on Facebook, in a childish, impotent attempt to harass an Oregon State Representative.

March 17-18, 2010--
A federal court denies Deb Frisch's "frivolous and futile" motion to expand her frivolous lawsuit; the next day, Frisch posts racial epithets and vulgarity on Facebook.

March 13, 2010--Deborah Frisch, apoplectic that anyone would stand up to her bullying, posts a false email from "the Lane County District Attorney" regarding someone who confronts Frisch's vileness on Facebook. Since, in reality, the Lane County DA had Frisch prosecuted for her assault on an innocent victim (see March 4, 2009) and Frisch has been stalking that DA (see Feb 1, 2010), Frisch's blogged "letter" is a childishly obvious forgery.

March 13, 2010--
Deb Frisch libels a lawyer on Facebook; she also tries to harass people who mock her stupidity and stand up to her bullying.

March 12, 2010--
Deborah Frisch, mocked for the incompetence of her March 9 filing, withdraws the frivolous motion.

March 11, 2010--
Deb Frisch libels a forensic psychologist on her blog.

March 9, 2010--
Deborah Frisch files a whining motion in Federal Court, begging for new judges to hear her frivolous lawsuit. In the filing, Frisch reveals how she's libeled and harassed and threatened three Eugene-based federal judges (and court staff).March 5-8, 2010--Deb Frisch harasses the Chief Deputy of the judge overseeing Frisch's frivolous lawsuit (by phone and mail).

March 5/7, 2010--Deb Frisch posts harassing notes on Facebook.

March 5, 2010--Deb Frisch posts a blog harassing a local attorney, as well as the text of a letter of a woman who rejected Frisch's request to date her.

March 1-2, 2010--News surfaces hat Deb Frisch stalked the Lane County District Attorney at a February 1 meeting. Frisch posts a half-dozen vulgar blogs libeling various Lane County officials.

March 1, 2010--Deb Frisch posts a loopy note on the Facebook page of a local Jewish temple.

February 28, 2010--Deb Frisch posts a vulgar comment about an assistant to the state Attorney General on Facebook's ThinkOregon page. (This is a different assistant than the one Frisch libeled on Feb 13 & 15, 2010.)

February 25, 2010--Deborah Frisch sends a letter to a Federal judge,threatening to file a frivolous lawsuit against her. (The judge in question is the one who dismissed Springfield and Lane County as defendants in Frisch's ongoing frivolous lawsuit [see Feb 23 and Feb 2].)

February 23, 2010--A Federal Court vindicates the City of Springfield,dismissing them as a defendant in Deb Frisch's frivolous lawsuit.

February 21, 2010--Deborah Frisch posts a vulgar comment on the Peter Orzag Facebook page.

February 19, 2010--Deb Frisch posts a manic comment on the Eugene Skatemap Facebook page.

February 16, 2010--Deborah Frisch libels an attorney on her blog and stalks the lawyer's Facebook page.

February 13 & 15, 2010
--On Facebook, Deborah Frisch repeatedlylibels a lawyer serving the Oregon State Attorney General's Office.
February 10, 2010--In violation of a Federal Judge Magistrate's order, Deb Frisch leaves a harassing voice-mail for a member of the judge's staff.
February 8, 2010--Deb Frisch posts a blog libeling the federal magistrate judge overseeing Frisch's frivolous lawsuit. Frisch also reveals that she telephonically harassed the offices of a Washington State federal judge. She posts a vile comment on Facebook:
January 24, 2010--Deb Frisch is sighted shopping for booze in a Eugene market. (Frisch is forbidden from drinking alcohol by the terms of her probation.)

January 22, 2010-- Deborah Frisch is questioned by the FBI, in connection with an email she sent January 6, threatening the federal judge overseeing Frisch's frivolous lawsuit.

January 17-18, 2010--
Deborah Frisch posts vile, libelous comments on various Facebook pages.

January 7, 2010--A federal magistrate judge issues a scathing order, citing Deb Frisch's continued vile and vulgar email communications, and blocking Deborah Frisch's ability to email the federal court. (The judge had originally warned Frisch about this behavior--see Nov 30 2009.)

January 6, 2010--
(1) A Lane County Police Report surfaces. The report filed (on Nov. 17 2009) by defense attorneys against Deb Frisch's frivolous lawsuit, details Deb Frisch's Nov. 2 2008 assault on an acquaintance. Frisch was later convicted of physical harassment and illegal use of mace on Mar. 4 2009. (Deborah Frisch was sentenced to 3 years' probation, inter alia, on Mar. 12 2009). (2)Deborah Frisch sends an email to court staff, threatening the judge (and his deputy) overseeing Frisch's frivolous lawsuit; Frisch is later questioned by the FBI for this email (see January 22, 2010).

January 5, 2010--Angered that the Lane County District Attorney's office has held her accountable for her illegal behavior, Deb Frisch posts a blog stalking a former DA's wife.

January 4, 2010--News surfaces that Deborah Frisch is being sued in small-claims court. (Frisch was served on Oct. 1 2009.)

November 30, 2009--A federal magistrate judge smacks Deb Frisch for sending vulgar emails to other parties in Frisch's frivolous lawsuit. The judge warns Frisch that, if she persists in her vile harassing habits, she will suffer sanctions. (Frisch doesn't take the hint. See Jan 7 2010.)

November 16, 2009--Angry that she is being made a legal laughingstock, Deb Frisch posts a vulgar blog about a federal courtroom deputy.

November 8, 2009--Deb Frisch posts a blog libeling a Eugene Town Council member. Frisch's anger is due to the Council mocking and ignoring Frisch's vilelibelous and delusional public comments before the board.

October 20-21, 2009--
Enraged that defense attorneys are making her look like an incompetent fool in her lawsuit, Deborah Frisch sends a defense attorney two foul, vile and profane emails.

October 2, 2009--
Lane County orders Deb Frisch to cease-and-desist calling any county office. Failure to abide by the ban will prompt Frisch's arrest for telephonic harassment. (Frisch has been convicted of telephonic harassment before; see Sept 27, 2006)

October 1, 2009--
Lane County "Domestic Violence Invesitgative Report," dated Nov. 26, 2008 surfaces. The report details Deborah Frisch's Nov. 2 2008 violence against an acquaintance. Frisch was later convicted of physical harassment and illegal use of mace on Mar. 4 2009.

September 28, 2009--
News surfaces that, in December 2008, Deborah Frisch sent nearly 4 dozen spam/harassing emails to authorities in Lane County and the City of Eugene. (Her email address was killfiled by Lane County/Eugene authorities by March 2008, citing Frisch's habitual use of "offensive language and racial slurs.")

September 19-24, 2009--
Deb Frisch sends a vile profanity-laced harassing email to various Yale University professors. She also tries to harass the DA prosecuting the Le murder case.

August 24, 2009--
News surfaces that defendants in Deb Frisch's frivolous lawsuit have made a counterclaim for Frisch to pay their legal expenses when she loses.

August 23-26, 2009--
Deborah Frisch posts nonsense on John Grisham's Facebook fanpage. Other facebookers quickly notice Frisch's criminal record and mental illness.

August 14, 2009--
Lane County police record a complaint against Deb Frisch for making death threats.

August 14, 2009--
Deborah Frisch posts a blog fantasizing about the beheading, dismemberment and castration of the children of a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where Deborah Frisch was once a graduate student. (Thanks to a tipster for the heads-up.)
August 10, 2009--Deb Frisch flings wild accusations on her blog, including (a) accusing a judge of being pro-pedophile (when Frisch is the one who lost her job for pedophilic remarks about a 2-year-old), (b)calling a Senator a joke (when Frisch is the one whose name is a well-known Internet joke), and (c) accusing a judge of beastiality (when Frisch is the one with criminal convictions for sexual stalking in 2006and 2009).

August 7-8, 2009--Deborah Frisch (a) posts bile about an Assistant District Attorney who held Frisch responsible for her criminal actions (b) gets "pwned" on a Facebook fanpage (again) and (c) spews a racist blog about incoming Supreme Court justice Sotomayor.

August 3, 2009--
In a manic six-hour frenzy, Deb Frisch posts 5 feverish blogs, including an enraged rant about accomplished author John Grisham, a fantasy about teaching sex-education to 6th graders, and another blog about the deceased U of Oregon professor whose honor and achievements Frisch envies.

July 28-29, 2009--Jealous of the honor a recently deceased University of Oregon professor was receiving, Deborah Frisch blogs vulgar bile and sends a vile letter to the Governor.

July 28, 2009--(a) 
Deb Frisch posts a rant on the John Grisham Fan facebook page. (A reader soon notices that Frisch lost her job in 2006 for threatening a child online.) (b) Deborah Frisch posts a blog harassing the parents of local high school students and libels various local judges.

July 17, 2009--
Deb Frisch posts a racist and anti-Semitic blog which refers to the President as "the n-word in the cracker house."

July 11, 2009--
In violation of the terms of her probationDeb Frisch attends a dance at a bar. She hits on a woman there, then calls the woman "biker trash" when she spurns Frisch's fumbling pass.

June 23, 2009--
Deborah Frisch reveals that she has begun stalking the Federal Magistrate who dismissed Deb Frisch's bogus civil lawsuit as "frivolous" (see June 3, 2009).

June 16-17, 2009--
Diplaying manic and twitchy symptoms, Deb Frisch disrupts 3 meetings of the Lane County Board of Commissioners within 24 hours. (Deborah Frisch's first outburstDeb Frisch's second outburst.) Prior to her third attempt to disrupt the meeting, Deb Frisch is warned that she risks receiving a permanent ban from attending future meetings; Deb Frisch responds with a vile temper-tantrum.Frisch had previously been ousted from a meeting for violating the Board's rules of conduct (see April 29, 2009).

June 15, 2009--
In an astonishing lack of impulse-control, Deborah Frisch sends a haughty letter to a Federal judge, accusing him of bogus violations of the Constitution.

June 8-11, 2009--
In a pair of pathetic blogs, Deborah Frisch reveals that she went on food stamps in April and has begged for money from strangers.

June 5, 2009--
Deborah Frisch's 3-year cycle of self-humiliation is discussed by a Canadian blog, Secrets of Vancouver.

June 3, 2009--
A federal judge dismisses a frivolous lawsuit filed by Deb Frisch (see May 8 2009)

May 28-30, 2009--
After sending obscene and harassing email messages to a school and various local activists, Deborah Frisch receives three cease-and-desist orders. Unhinged, Frisch responds by posting vile insults toward them on a local newspaper discussion-board. (In the newspaper's article, Deb Frisch is described as a "serial stalker.")

May 21, 2009--
Oregon Criminal Offender #1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch appears for her first probation hearing. Afterwards, Frisch posts a blog libeling a lawyer who secured an arrest warrant against her in 2006.

May 20, 2009--
On the eve of her first probation hearing, Deb Frisch spews a blog libeling nearly everyone who has held her accountable for her illegal behavior. (Frisch was sentenced to 3 years of probation as a result of her assault on an acquaintance; see March 12, 2009)

May 8, 2009--Deborah Frisch files a frivolous lawsuit against legal figures who prosecuted Frisch for assaulting an acquaintance (see Nov. 2 2008Mar 4 2009Mar 12 2009); the lawsuit is quickly dismissed as groundless (see June 3 2009).

April 29, 2009--Deborah Frisch gets ejected from a public meeting of the Lane County Board of Commissioners, after slandering a board member. Frisch, fearing arrest while she's on (3 years) probation, scurries away. (Video footage here.)

April 22, 2009--
Deb Frisch, upset at being held accountable for her crimesposts a temper-tantrum on her blog, railing against police officers, the District Attorney, her sentencing judge, and the psychiatrist who was court-ordered to evaluate Frisch's mental state--in preparation for an upcoming court hearing on May 21st 2009.

April 6, 2009--
Deborah Frisch, outraged over being held accountable for her criminal actions, blogs vitriol about her victim in Frisch's 2006 criminal conviction (see Sept 27, 2006) on stalking/harassment, various lawyers and police. Frisch blogs sexual fantasies about various Lane County legal officials. Frisch also libels her criminal defense attorney in her 2009 conviction for physical harassment (see March 4).

April 3, 2009--
Deb Frisch libels the Lane County Prosecutor who won Frisch's conviction in on March 4. Frisch lies that the prosecutor asked to visit Frisch at home and bring along sex tapes. Frisch also blogs that she bothered a local lawyer, alleging that she is "filing a $1 million civil suit in Federal court." The lawyer, recognizing the frivolity of Frisch's case, summarily brushed her off.

April 3, 2009--Deb Frisch's mug shot is released.

March 31, 2009--
Embittered at the former colleagues who rejected her plea for tenure in 1995, unemployed Deb Frisch lashes out at psychologists at the University of Oregon.

March 30, 2009--
Deborah Frisch is assigned a prisoner number (1675174). Details of her harassment conviction are entered into prisoner databases.

March 24, 2009--
Under the delusion that anyone cares about her complaints, Deb Frisch whines about her work on the Lane County Work Crew, likening it to "violating prisoners' civil rights."

March 20, 2009--
In a pathetic plea for attention, Deb Frisch blogs her intent to file felony charges against police officers who arrested her for stalking and harassment in 2006. Frisch was sentenced to a year's probation as a result of her crimes.

March 17-19, 2009--
Indulging in her flaming delusions of persecution, Deb Frisch harasses the Lane County District Attorney's office (and her former attorney), demanding paperwork covering her prior convictions for physical harassment (see March 4, 2009) and stalking and harassment (see Sept 27, 2006). Frisch also blogs that she wants to file a frivolous lawsuit in connection with her legitimate 2008 criminal conviction. (Case numbers 2108-26446 and 2106-16276.)

March 14-16, 2009--During the weekend after her sentencing in a Lane County Criminal Court, Deborah Frisch posts several libelous blogs, intended to harass her victim, her public defender, herprosecuting DDA, the DA's office, and her sentencing judge.

March 13, 2009--
A mere day after her sentencing on physical harassment charges, Deb Frisch posts a number of drunken blogs libeling her (former) public defender, the Lane County District Attorney, and her sentencing judge. She also posts a harassing blog about her previous victim, who secured Frisch's convictions on charges of harassment and stalking (see Sept. 27, 2006).

March 12, 2009--
Deb Frisch is sentenced in Lane County Criminal Court. She is ordered to pay a $500 restitutional fine, serve 10 days in the Lane County Sheriff's custody (either jail or work release/community service), and observe 3 years of probation. She is mandated to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. She is also mandated to undergo treatment for alcoholism and is forbidden from entering drinking establishments.

March 11, 2009--On the evening before she is sentenced, Deb Frisch posts a libelous blog about her victim, various Lane County police officers, the Lane County District Attorney, and insults her sentencing judge as "marginally cognizant."

March 4, 2009--
Deb Frisch appears in court on criminal charges. In a 1 day trial, Frisch is found guilty on charges of physical harassment and reckless use of pepper spray. She is scheduled for sentencing on March 12th.

February 19 & 23, 2009--
Deborah Frisch fantasizes about the shooting murder of a former Eugene bartender. Frisch also posts a blog "beg[ging]" to be admitted to a Police Auditor Interview Panel. "If you want me to get down on my knees and lick someone's...," Frisch begs,"I suppose I could do that." (Frisch's blog includes a cell-phone "stalker pic" of a city official, in keeping with a pathological pattern [see alsoFeb 18-19 & Feb 7]).

February 18-19, 2009--Deb Frisch posts a drunken blog detailing how she tried to threaten police and the District Attorney out of pursuing criminal charges against her. Frisch also posts blogs which reveal her habits of stalking public officials with her cell-phone camera(see also Feb. 7), as well as libeling them as pedophiles. Deborah Frisch also describes youth athletes as having "buttfucker butt[s]".
February 16-17, 2009--In her anger at judges and lawyers forholding her responsible for her criminal actions, Deborah Frisch refers to a Federal judge as a "cow fucker." She also blogs a fantasy about the death of a former boss, and posts lewd comments on a lawyer/bartender's blog.

February 14-15, 2009--
Deb Frisch continues to post libelous blogs about a former Eugene bartender. Frisch also submits a post, harassing her victim in an ongoing criminal case, to Craigslist, and posts a blog intended to intimidate the State's witness in that case (State v. Frisch, Deborah #210826446).

February 13, 2009--
Deborah Frisch fantasizes about the death of a child in the news. Frisch also posts a harassing blog about a former Eugene bartender and (posting under the IP address of she leaves a "barrage of vulgar comments" on his blog.

February 11, 2009--
Deb Frisch posts a blog libeling two of her former victims (who prompted Frisch's 2006 arrest for stalking/harassmentand had her namesake blog yanked).

February 9, 2009--
Deborah Frisch posts vile comments on the blog of a former acquaintance.

February 7, 2009--
Deb Frisch blogs about stalking a Lane County Court judge (who had blocked Frisch's harassing emails) at a memorial ceremony for a deceased political science professor. Frisch compounds her stalking behavior by snapping a cell-phone pic of the judge.

February 6, 2009--
News emerges that Deborah Frisch filed a frivolous motion for a restraining order on February 28, 2008. Frisch's incompetently drafted document was summarily rejected by a Lane County Judge.

February 4, 2009--
A former acquaintance of Deb Frisch posts her experiences on Craigslist. Frisch "squashed any chance of being with me when she got drunk and texted me that she would 'never be desperate enough to f**k me,'" recalls the source. "I think it was because I couldn't bring her over a cheesburger....I would never have anything to do with her. She seems like a disturbed individual. I suspected that when she harassed those protesting what is going on in Darfar," concluded the source, refering to Frisch's June 28, 2008 outburst on the University of Oregon campus.

January 30, 2009--
Deborah posts a blog, describing a public figure as a "faggy fatty." When a commenter criticizes her, Frisch explodes with profanity and fantasizes about the critic "put[ting] a glock in [his] mouth." Meanwhile, video surfaces of Frisch humiliating herself at a Eugene Police Auditor Committee meeting.

January 29, 2009--
Deb Frisch posts a lewd message on Eugene CraigsList, describing one city leader as "Chair of the Public Sucking of Cocks Club."

January 26, 2009--
News surfaces that Deborah Frisch was drunk and disorderly on the night of her assault of a guest in her home (seeNov. 2, 2008). Frisch's behavior prompts a large EMS/police response.
January 23, 2009--In a blog which excerpts from a letter she sent her public defender, Deborah Frisch confesses to pepper-spraying her victim, for which Frisch is facing criminal charges (case #210826446,State v. Frisch, Deborah Ellen). Frisch's assault of her victim violates Oregon Criminal Law 163.212.

January 22, 2009--
Deb Frisch reveals that, on Jan. 8, she rejected the Lane County Deputy DA's settlement of criminal charges against her (physical harassment and illegal use of a stun gun/tear gas/mace). Unable to afford an attorney, Frisch reveals she has a public defender. "We are proceeding as if we are going to trial," she writes. In the blog, Frisch also libels her past victims and their attorneys (case #210826446, State v. Frisch, Deborah Ellen (2009)).

January 20, 2009--
Deborah Frisch faces new criminal charges, including physical harassment and unlawful use of a stun gun (and mace), according to released court documents. The original incident occurred on Nov. 2, 2008.

January 14, 2009--
Deb Frisch posts a blog which harasses two juvenile offenders charged with misdemeanors. Frisch posts records from the same site which publicized Frisch's own past arrest for harassment and stalking (case #210616276, State v. Frisch, Deborah).

January 13, 2009--
Deb Frisch posts a harassing comment on an acquaintance's blog.

January 12, 2009--Deborah Frisch appears before the Eugene City Council. Frisch rationalizes her chronic unemployment by describing her laziness as "activism." She fantasizes that her impotent "work" (rantings, stalking, harassment, etc) had effects on Eugene events in 2008. Her delusional remarks become fodder for satire.January 8, 2009--Deb Frisch marks 30 straight months of unemployment. Shelost her job on July 8, 2006, after posting threatening and pedophilic remarks about a blogger's 2-year-old child.

January 8, 2009
--In a Lane County Criminal Court hearing, Deb Frisch rejects a settlement offer of the charges against her (harassment; illegal use of an ESG/tear gas/mace) by the Deputy District Attorney.

January 5, 2009
--Deborah Frisch reveals that she was "kicked off the risk analysis list," referring to the Risk Analysis (E-)Mail List.

December 23, 2008--The Eugene Register-Guard reports that Deb Frisch's frivolous appeal to the Oregon Land-Use Board of Appeals has been rejected: "LUBA," reports the article, "found no basis for [Frisch's] claim[s]...or...charge[s]." The LUBA decision, which describes Frisch's poor reasoning and anemic understanding of law appears at this link (cf. pp. 9-14).

December 9, 2008--
Deborah Frisch is arraigned in Lane County Court on charges of physical harassment and illegal use of an ESG/tear gas/mace.

December 8, 2008
--Deb Frisch submits a letter supporting parole for a convicted child-murderer. Frisch bills herself as an "independent researcher" (read: she's unemployed) who "specializes in malfeasance on the part of the Lane County District Attorney's Office." Nowhere in her letter does Frisch mention the obvious reason for her ire at the DA's Office--namely, Frisch was convicted of stalking and harassment in Lane County in September 2006.

December 5, 2008--Deborah Frisch is smacked with her third Restraining Order.

Nov. 23, 2008-Dec 3, 2008--An anonymous blogger at (now defunct) debfrischdaze.blogspot and euglove.blogspot reports that Frisch made harassing calls to the blogger's workplace. "I thought she was funny and harmless," wrote the blogger, "that is proving not to be the case."
November 2, 2008--Deb Frisch assaults a guest in her home with pepper-spray. Frisch is later arraigned for her behavior.

October 20, 2008--
Deborah Frisch suffers a meltdown at a Eugene City Council meeting, prompting mockery.

July 30, 2008--Deb Frisch posts vile comments on an adversary's blog: "Have you ever sucked [redacted]'s cock?" Frisch wrote, "Did two other vermin like you really come out of your mother's cunt the day you were born?"

July 4-5, 2008--Enraged by humiliating video footage taken of her June 28 meltdown, Deb Frisch telephonically harasses the cameraman, calling him "a dozen times." Frisch also harasses the Eugene Civil Liberties Center's director via email.

July 3, 2008--
Video of Deborah Frisch's June 28 appearance at the University Oregon surfaces. In her rambling remarks, Frisch seethes over sports and patriotism, amuses herself over a former Olympic athlete's death, and pronounces that she "understands terrorists rage." Moments later, an officer approaches to eject the manic Frisch from the premises.
June 30-July 1, 2008--Deb Frisch posts hate email sent to the Lane County Darfur Commission. The missives include racial epithets ("you're pissed at the ch*nks for hurting the n*ggers, right?").

June 28, 2008--The University of Oregon's Department of Public Safety serves Deb Frisch with an 18-month ban from University property. The ban is in response to Frisch's harassment of a professor at a Darfur protest on campus.

June 23, 2008--Deborah Frisch employs numerous racial epithets on her blog, describing recent sensitivity training (in preparation for upcoming Olympic Trials in Eugene, Oregon) as "brief videos depicting allegedly inappropriate behavior and listening to token negroes, beavers and wetbacks analyze the video vignettes."

June 18, 2008--
Deb Frisch delivers a rambling, grandiose screed at a Lane County Commissioners meeting. She fantasizes about what would happen "in the event that [a commissioner were to] meet [his] demise the way [RFK] did" (link to video). This echoes Frisch's 2007 blogs which entertained assassinations of U.S. presidential candidates and terrorist attacks on national landmarks; these blogs drew the attention of the U.S. Secret Service (see July 29-30 2007 entry).

June 13, 2008-- Deborah Frisch again harasses teachers at the Oak Hill School, posting links to two of them and referring to them as "jail bait" (Frisch was arrested [Aug 21 2006] and received probation [Sept 27 2006] for stalking/harassing one of these victims; for Frisch's subsequent harassment of the victim, see Feb 28 2008 and June 25-26 2007 entries.) In another blog, Frisch employs the n-word in reference to a University of Oregon student athlete.
June 2-8, 2008--Deb Frisch (sockpuppeting as "heckler") posts lewd,harassing, and anti-semitic comments on a professor's blog. Frisch also writes a comment directed towards the professor's children (an old habit of Frisch). Samples: "Do you think [redacted] ever sucked [redacted]'s c*ck?", "Why isn't [redacted] satisfied with shoving his c*ck into [redacted]'s c*nt? Why is he so hell-bent on shoving his shlong into other people's p*ssies?"

May 26-28, 2008--Deb Frisch posts vile comments at the Oregon Commentator. Frisch's rage at the blog is no doubt fueled by their uncanny knack for documenting Frisch's self-humiliations in public (see
May 24-28, 2008--Deborah Frisch posts lewd and profane commentsat the U of Oregon's Daily Emerald website as well as (a propos!)PredictablyIrrational.com. Frisch's comments use sockpuppets of various U of Oregon professors and Emen Ibanga, who once prosecuted Deborah Frisch for stalking and telephonic harassment (see Sept. 27, 2006 entry).

May 23, 2008--(a) Citing Frisch as a "frequent antagonist of...employees over email," the Eugene Register-Guard commences bouncing Frisch's spam/abusive emails. Frisch's IP address is also banned from commenting on the Register Guard's website. 
(b) Deb Frisch blogs about her ambition to wage a frivolous lawsuit against various Eugene County officials.

May 22, 2008--Deb Frisch gets laughed out of the room, following a hostile rant ("You really should euthanize yourselves") to the Lane County Budget Committee Meeting. Video is here.
(Video with editorial captions can be found here)

May 1, 2008--Deborah Frisch leaves lewd comments at TSW.com.E.g.: "do you guys think that [redacted] of portland...has ever sucked the d*ck of [redacted]? I get the feeling [redacted] loves the feeling of a c*ck in his mouth."

April 29, 2008--Deb Frisch rambles at a Lane County Budget Committee meeting (video here; Frisch is at 1:29:50).April 28, 2008--Deborah Frisch gives a twitchy rant at a public forum of the Eugene City Council (video of the performance here).

April 8, 2008--Deb Frisch leaves lewd comments at TSW.com (e.g., "you really are a sexist, stupid f*ckwad, [redacted]. and [redacted]'s a moron too for procreating with a pr*ck lik you.")

March 24, 2008--Over a period of two hours, Deb Frisch leaves over a dozen lewd and incoherent comments at TSW.com. (Example: "where's [redacted]? did he go to colorado springs to suck the semi-soft c*ck of p*nis fondler [redacted]?")February 28, 2008--Deb Frisch posts a harassing blog about a woman Frisch stalked and harassed in 2006, along with a link to the victim's place of work, the Oak Hill School. (SeeAug 21, 2006 for Frisch's arrest and arraignment for stalking and telephonic harassment charges.)

February 28, 2008--A faculty member of the U of Oregon Law School writes a complaint to Frisch's ISP, pobox.com, for spamming "a large number of University of Oregon employees."
February 18, 2008--Deb Frisch posts another harrassing blogagainst a reporter who had expressed concern for Frisch's mental health (see Feb. 15). February 16-21, 2008--(a) In a reprise of earlier events (see Sept. 22-25, 2006), Deborah Frisch posts onTSW.com. Her usage of unhinged profanity and invective (e.g., "yikes there really is a woman stupid enough to let [redacted] ejaculate into her c*nt. poor ho") suggested inebriation, insanity, or both (b) Deb Frisch, returning to the stalking behavior which led to her previous arrest (see Aug. 21, 2006), blogs that she made a harrassing phone call to a new victim.
February 15, 2008--A journalist writes to Frisch, expressing concern that she "seems sad and angry." To allay the journalist's worries, Frisch hurls invective and abuse at the reporter: " Do you ever feel sad that you work for such a piece of shit newspaper?" raves Frisch. "Do you ever feel angry that the substandard spawn of alton f. baker that you work for and their cronies (bob belch, jackass wilson, etc.) metaphorically suck the dicks of the powers that in eugene? Do you ever feel sad when you realize that you're sort of a whore?"

July 29-30, 2007--In a series of harassing and libelous blogs, Deb Frisch reveals that she received a visit from the Secret Service, presumably in connection with her 4 July blogs fantasizing about terrorist attacks on US landmarks and assassinations of Presidential candidates.

July 10-11, 2007--In a repeat of the stalking and harassment which ended her teaching "career" in 2006, Deb Frisch posts contact information (and vulgarites) about a blog-critic. She again violates a court injunction by posting about JG. She also bluffs that she's secured employment at the University of Oregon for the autumn 2007 term.

July 6, 2007--
In a series of vulgar posts, Deborah mocks the disabled; she also victimizes an "enemy's" young child.

July 4, 2007--
Deb Frisch spins fantasies about terrorist attacks on major U.S. landmarks and assassinations of presidential candidates.

July 2-4, 2007--
Deborah Frisch's harassment and libel of perceivedacademic enemies continues.

June 25-26, 2007--
Despite being under a court-mandate (see Sept. 27, 2006 entry), that as a condition of her probation, Deborah Frisch "shall have no contact of any kind with [an Oregon] victim" she had stalked and harassed, Frisch blogs about conveniently spotting the victim, and "eyeballingly sending her peed off vibes." Frisch also blogs intimate details about the victim the following day.

June 19-20, 2007--Deborah Frisch libels two dozen academics, including a number of former colleagues from the University of Oregon psychology department. Frisch's posts include numerous vulgarities. One post is eerily reminiscent of a hit list.

June 19, 2007--
For a third time (see Feb 23 and Mar 15 entries, below), another of Deb Frisch's libelous blogs is pulled by Blogger. "It has been brought to our attention," Blogger's management wrote in an email to Frisch, "that you have continued to further violate the terms of the court order issued against you on blogs that you maintain on Blogger.com. Accordingly, we have removed [deenaye.blogspot]."

June 17-18, 2007--
Deborah Frisch mocks a Denver judge who signed a court order against her; Frisch posts a snapshot of the order's first page on her McBlog. Frisch also posts picturesvulgarities, and libelabout an attorney representing her vicitm, as well as Frisch's own former attorney. Frisch also reveals that she telephonically stalked a colleague by impersonating an NPR reporter.

June 12-15, 2007--Reacting to bloggers who published embarrassing photos of her visit to the University of Oregon, Eugene (June 7th), Frisch posts (via sockpuppet) a mockery of the Virginia Tech massacre, further libels JG, and reveals she has sent harassing emails to variousprofessors.
June 7, 2007--Deborah Frisch causes a scene at the U of Oregon (Eugene) campus, warbling Kumbaya at a campus preacher. Frisch is later "thrown out" by campus security. Photos of Frisch's scene--and her being escorted from the premises--can be found here. (Another eyewitness account is here.)

May 18, 2007--A Denver county judge issues a "Preliminary Injunction" against Deborah Frisch. In light of the court's findings that Frisch has habitually continued to harass JG and his attorneys, via telephone and internet, the court enjoins Frisch from "any posting, commenting, or other writing of any sort, in any public forum" concerning her victims or their attorneys.

April 25-26, 2007--(a) Frisch harasses various officials at the University of Arizona over the disappearance of an article about her "heckling [of] kooky kristian preachers." Frisch accuses the U of A of aconspiracy "to erase the institutional memory of my three year stint there." (b) Frisch visits an Arizona blog and posts comments which mock those offering prayers for victims of the Virginia Tech shootings.
April 12, 2007--Deborah Frisch causes a disturbance at a University of Oregon talk on preventing HPV in young women. Arguing against vaccinating young women against the virus, Frisch stated that "an equally effective way to wipe out cervical cancer would be to neuter the boys."

March 19, 2007--Frisch receives a subpoena.

March 18, 2007--Frisch resumes her online harassment.

March 15, 2007--Court Order(s) shut down Frisch's several of her harassing McBlogs. "Hello Deborah," wrote Blogger in an email to Frisch, "[W]e've received a court order prohibiting you from any Internet communications with [JG]. Accordingly we've been forced to comply with the order and...had to remove your blog."
March 1-15, 2007--On a hastily built "McBlog," Frisch continues her harrassment and libel of (1) her own former attorney (describing him as a "grossly incompetent," "guilty of malpractice," and as a "Denver shyster with a faux-phallus around his neck"), (2) attorneys for her victims, and (3) various attorneys she has never met. Frisch alsodocuments her inability to convince Colorado lawyers that her position has any merit.
February 23, 2007--Frisch's website vanishes when her ISP learns of pending civil cases against her.
February 19, 2007--Frisch reveals that, on Jan. 16, the Lane County Court overseeing Frisch's probation (see Sept. 27, 2006 entry) has been apprised of Frisch's outstanding arrest warrant in Denver (see Dec. 6, 2006 entry). Frisch also refers to various judges as "morons," "a-holes," and "dingbats," again risking (another) contempt of court charge.

February 10, 2007--Frisch reveals recent harassment of JG's attorney's law firm, and (again) shows contempt of court by describing a Denver judge with the moniker "Robert (missing at least one s)Crew." (screencaps here)

Jan. 25-Feb. 5, 2007--In violation of an Order of Protection, Frischposts obscene, libelous pictures and messages regarding Jeff G. to Eugene, Oregon's Craigslist. Frisch only stops when a rebuttal postexposes her criminal record of stalking and harassment (see Sept. 27, 2006 entry) and outstanding arrest warrant in Denver (see Dec. 6, 2006 entry).

February 4, 2007--Frisch again refers to US troops as "copter fodder"

February 2, 2007--Frisch accuses "operatives of the korporate kapitalist klan that terrorizes the citizens of the United States" of murdering Texas columnist Molly Ivins.

February 1, 2007--Frisch takes an anti-semitic swipe at Princeton professors Daniel Kahneman and Adam Finkel.

January 23, 2007--
Frisch refers to "dead US troops" as "cannon fodder" and "copter fodder"

January 21, 2007--Frisch insults other co-workers at her former employer (U. of Arizona) as "murderers, embezzlers, and...ethicially challenged."

January 19, 2007--Frisch again entertains making a frivolous complaint to the FBI.

January 17, 2007--1) Frisch calls a protection order filed against her "a mockery," and reveals that a judge had lambasted her for "contemn[ing]" the court. 2) Frisch reveals that she has harassed an online blogger, Jerralyn M., concerning a report Ms. M published on the Denver bench warrant, executed Dec. 6. (Details: here) Ms. M. removes the original story from her site--Frisch gloats in response.

January 16, 2007--Frisch flirts with calling the FBI on various people.

January 6, 2007--
Frisch mocks Denver judge, John Barajas

December 6, 2006--A Denver judge executes bench warrant for Frisch, issued Nov. 28. (Details: here and roundup here) Frisch later posts details of the failed deal which would have averted the issuing of the warrant.

November 28, 2006--A Denver judge issues a bench warrant for Frisch, but "stays" its execution, pending the possibility of a deal.

November 16, 2006--Frisch mocks Eugene, OR police department.

October 31, 2006--Frisch posts another attack on Jeff G's attorney.

October 9, 2006--Frisch, sockposting as "Linda," describes past co-workers at the NSF as "overpaid dismal scientists," and a former colleague as "peeing in his pants with joy on the day the fauxbel prize was announced."

October 4, 2006--In (attempted) edits of her own entry at Wikipedia, Frisch includes the full name of an adversary's child.

October 3, 2006--In a blog post Frisch titles, "Gerbil Orgy" (since removed, but the text can be found here), Frisch refers to a 4-year-old as "Snatchel."

September 27, 2006--In a Lane County, OR, courthouse, Frisch receives 1 year's probation (and charged $67 in court fees) for telephonic harrassment charge. Case #21-06-16276

September 24-27, 2006--While stalking a blogger, "Hosedragger," Frisch creates a libelous blog (now defunct--but details can be foundhere), and telephonically harasses several members of California fire departments. Shortly after being sentenced to probation (see above), Frisch's stalking site disappears.

September 22-25, 2006--Frisch visits TSW.com, and looses a torrent of obscenities and threats. See messages #574 and #581, here, for excerpts from Frisch's obscenity-laced chats.

September 16-19, 2006--On four occasions, Deborah Frisch engages in several hours of drunken, profane, libelous, and threatening tirades at TSW.com. (Transcripts: here, under dates Sept. 16, 17, 19, 22.)

September 15, 2006--Members of the discussion at DHD.com move to Teh Squeaky Wheel (a.k.a. TSW.com).

September 11-14, 2006--Various websites reprint Frisch's past profanity-laced posts from the Edward Abbey mailing list. Abbey Web soon bans Frisch from the list.

September 9, 2006--"Deborah Frisch" entry, focusing on Frisch's online and legal woes, appears on Wikipedia.com. (On October 3, 2006, using the sockpuppet handle, "Warriordumot," Frisch attemtps to vandalize the site.)

August 26, 2006--Posting as "warriordumot," Frisch visits DHD.com again, spewing profanity everywhere. Frisch also uses the "N-word" several times. Other users suspect she might be intoxicated.

August 25, 2006--Frisch visits DHD.com, posting as "warriordumot."

August 23, 2006--DHD.com logs 7,000 visits.

August 21, 2006--Frisch arraigned for charges of Stalking and Telephonic Harassment Charges--case #210616276 State v Frisch, Deborah (A screen capture of the Lane County, OR court schedule appears here.)

August 17, 2006--VodkaPundit announces that Frisch has, again, falsely alleged that Dan D. "killed himself this morning."

August 11, 2006--
Stevejanke.com announces that Frisch, pretending to be Matthew H., posted a phony suicide note at Mr. Janke's site, the night before. That day, Frisch follows up by posting a comment at VodkaPundit: "Did you hear that [Matt H.] kicked the bucket?"

August 10, 2006--1) Frisch demands commenters at her site to stop writing "teh" for "the": "i cannot stand the teh thing," she begs. "all y'all need to stop with the TEH thing IMMEDIATELY if not sooner. It's an icky word. I don't like teh. I like the. It is hereby demanded and deemed that no participant in this conversation may use the word TEH." 2)DHD.com rises to #5 on the list of Google results for "Deborah Frisch."

August 9, 2006--"Joeschmo1of3" publishes the first Glossary of Deb Frisch-related slang-terms appearing on Frisch Watchdog Sites DHD.com (and TSW.com).

August 8, 2006--Sinner announces that DHD.com has risen to #13 on the list of Google results for "Deborah Frisch."

August 6, 2006--Frisch calls Jeff G's attorney a "shyster.", posts his letter to her--with snarky comments--on her blog. "You told me," the attorney wrote to Frisch, "[that] you intend to continue posting about Jeff and his family on your website until Jeff agrees to pay you what you claim are your damages. I want to make sure you understand the consequences of doing so, in addition to contempt of court."

August 4, 2006--Through his attorney, Jeff G rejects Frisch's settlement "offer."

August 3, 2006--Frisch is served with a Restraining Order, issued by a Denver courtroom, at her home in Eugene, OR. Nonetheless, Frisch continues to post about Jeff G. Frisch also announces making an "offer" to Jeff: "I asked JG's lawyer to write up an agreement," she writes, "whereby I would be financially compensated in exchange for agreeing to leave the o-less count and the progeny out of it from now on [sic]."

July 27-28, 2006--Frisch posts more obscene, harassing messages atProtein Wisdom.

July 26, 2006--Frisch sends Protein Wisdom founder an obscene email message.

July 19, 2006--Fox News reports on Deborah Frisch in The Great Blogosphere Brawl. Frisch concedes that the story is "pretty accurate.".

July 11, 2006--The Tucson Citizen reports on the Deb Frisch scandal.

July 10, 2006--The website, Don't Hire Dr. Deborah Frisch (a.k.a. DHD.com) posts its first blog. "[I]f you considering hiring Dr. Deborah Frisch, Formerly of the University of Arizona," reads the first posting, "please consider carefully the info presented here. Dr. Frisch has shown herself to be unbalanced in a number of ways..."

July 8, 2006--1) Frisch resigns her position at the University of Arizona. 2) Froggy defines the verb, "to frisch: Writing something on the internet so creepy and offensive that you are forced to quit your job before getting canned. Ex. Deb really frisched herself when she threatened that blogger's 2 year old child with death and sexual molestation."

July 7, 2006--A definition of "frisch" appears at Urban Dictionary: "To invalidate your position in an online debate by making thinly veiled threats against the life or sexual dignity of your opponent's spouse or child."

July 3-6, 2006--Frisch posts infamous threats against a blogger's two-year-old child. Frisch, herself, describes her behavior as "in very bad taste ... very, very, very horrible. I don't think professors should do that. I crossed the line. I think what I did was unprofessional and wrong." (Details: here.

Feburary 2005--After being caught making a basic mathematical error, an enraged Deborah Frisch posts (under the moniker "lefty" and "df") vile and harassing comments on various blogs. Frisch sends harassing emails to a UCLA law professor, until her email address is killfiled: "Deborah Frisch continues stalking my site," writes the professor, "[a]fter her offensive emails, I've also added her to my email filter blocks." 
January 3, 2005--In an exchange on Left2RightDeb Frisch posts a violent suicide fantasy: "You want to come find me, see that I'm real, hold a .357 magnum in my face, I say: BRING IT ON...i feel kind of guilty for not blowing myself up on the steps of the lincoln memorial when I lived in d.c....so in a way, i WANT some futhermucker A-hole to off me because I pissed him off in the blogosphere. BRING IT ON, FUTHERMUCKERS!!!!!!!!."
December 23, 2004--In a foreshadowing of the habits which will cost her her job (see July 8, 2006), Deb Frisch posts a murderous fantasy on the Econlog blog: "[E]ventually," froths Frisch, "some psychotic student is going to go into a university classroom and start shooting a la Columbine. I predict that when this happens, it will be an economics professor who is at the wrong end of the AK47. It will be a smart student who hears a smug moron like arnold pontificating about net present value and discount rates...economists scare the shit out of me more than those brown terrorists."

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